Friday, November 29, 2013

Puppycide?? the "po-po" dog shooters

Within the last few weeks, we've had a near daily rash of fatal dog-shootings.  There is the inevitable backlash, the outrage, the fury--that an armed, trained, intelligent human ... would be so "extreme".  Would respond with "excessive" force.  
"Surely there must be another way!"  
"Shooting a dog, nonetheless family dogs?? How sadistic/lazy/cruel/other-negative-character-traits-here!!  I mean, who can't handle a dog, right? Throw it a steak or get over a fence or talk real nice and sweet to it or rope it with a harness, or just kick it away, right?"

The problem is... these 'common-sense' assumptions saddle a breed with uncommon aggressive habits and attack style.  Brutal attacks by pit bull type dog breeds are a daily occurrence.  Every 12-14 days (some years more, some years less, but the trend over the last 30 years is a steady incline...)  they kill another American--this doesn't count the fatalities occurring in the UK, NSW, Brazil, etc..  Every six days someone loses a BODY PART to these dogs--even if they were loved and spoiled family pets, raised from puppy-hood and bonded over years and years of uneventful cohabitation.

Trying to warn anyone about these crucial and life-altering differences typically gets a person assaulted and threatened, and called a 'hater', 'racist', 'ignorant', among other ugly ad hominem toss-outs.  This onslaught of harassment is so steady and prolific that it often is effective in silencing a truth-sayer.

Ergo, the majority of the community plods on, oblivious to the danger roaming around on four legs.  But law enforcement knows.  Their experience far out-classes that of the average joe-schmoe, even those who claim to be animal rescuers and the like.  These men and women of the law regularly face "when-things-go-wrong" scenarios.  The average pet owners' experience is tempered by the fact that their own sphere of exposure is relatively small, and experience with crisis situations may be non-existent... until it's too late.

I'm not claiming no police officer has ever done wrong or exercised bad judgement... they're fallible and human mortals like the rest of us.  What they do have, though, is training and experience with crisis situations in abundance.  They must follow protocol.  That protocol is based on a precedent of history. That history shows it is far too reckless to let a pit bull type dog roam at large--especially when it's aggressive.  What these animals do to people is not like the fearful, quick bite-and-release snap of an ordinary domestic dog.

Additionally, law enforcement must act with prevention in mind.  Preservation of the peace.  "Prevent "the deed."  This breed is infamous for sustaining attacks even after being beaten, gouged, stabbed, hit by a car, tazed, maced, and even shot REPEATEDLY.  It's important to keep in mind the damage that could be wrought upon the officers or innocent bystanders.  
It's important to keep in mind the unique horrors these animals can visit upon a body with no warning, and in seconds.  

THIS is what the officer must keep in mind when making that split-second decision on how to handle the animal;

(WARNING: graphic and disturbing images below--these are included for educational purposes only.  These are a pictorial representation of the 'side effects' of a pitbull attack, much like how manufacturers of medicines and products are obligated to be responsible and must include warning labels listing all known dangers--no matter how remote the chances are.)

Do you still think law enforcement should play coombaya with these animals first, when they approach the officer during/right after an attack?

Ideological comforts first! No memorial for attack victims allowed??

In reviewing some links on my own personal page, I was both startled and nauseated to find that a tribute video to pit bull attack victims had been stripped from YouTube.  It was not graphic, it was not offensive, it was barely even political.  The focus was on remembering the deceased and putting a little humanity--faces, names, stories--to the otherwise abstract, cold statistics currently representing those people.

It makes me sad that I have to wonder of the newest tribute video:
how long will this one last until it is flagged, censored, and stripped from view?  How many times will it have to be re-uploaded in response to fanatics flag-bombing it into obscurity?

Precedent shows it is not just videos that are subject to unfounded flagging and removal. The Wikipedia entry for the breed is penned by fanatics, offers no quarter from anyone else, and any time someone attempts to inject anything but, their material is immediately removed.  One user edit offering statistics and fatalities lasted no longer than a half day; another was live for only three hours.  Venture into any pit bull fanatic forum discussing 'management' of BSL supporters, and you will find page after page of encouragement to flag and harass authors/a post/sponsors until the 'offending' material is removed.

The only thing separating this tribute to the dead from so many others (such as tributes to 9/11 or cancer victims) is the manner of death in which they were taken.  Why does their killer merit more concern and defense and outrage than the victim??  Why is it wrong to honor and remember them??

Even victim memorials are targeted.  The owners of the two pit bulls--Ricky and Christi George--that killed 10 year old Justin Clinton vindictively demanded destruction of a small memorial assembled by his classmates, friends, and family.  In an attempt to avoid legal consequences via touting their "good character", they formally testified that they were sympathetic to the family.  This was before they forced removal of the little flower-pot and cross memorial.

Justin Clinton memorial, pit bull attack 
(image from
After the attack, classmates of Justin created a make-shift memorial at the spot where he took his last breath. The location is next to CR 133 and falls at the very back of the George's property, a distance from their house and fenced yard. Recently, the George's demanded that the memorial be removed from their leased property.
Mrs. Clinton states:
"Our family has been touched by the love and prayer of our community when they established this small make-shift memorial for Justin. Everyday my daughter would go by the memorial on her way to school. As a cheerleader for the school, she would each day say a prayer and give Justin a cheer at the site of his gruesome death. This helped her cope with her grief."
Here is the most recent tribute.  It's so compelling, and beautiful (in a tragic way) that fanatics will, no doubt, be foaming and rallying to strip it from view ASAP.

It's so sad that putting a face to an issue involves, predominantly, so many young children. Here is the product of the nanny dog myth. Here is the reason why perpetuating the myth, and regurgitating garbage like "[they'll only] lick you to death" is not only extremely offensive and wrong, but in the face of such recurrent tragedy--it's OBSCENE. This is why I will never suffer utterance of such garbage ever again. ...and this--this is only representative of less than one complete year

People have been so blinded to the frequency and severity of these atrocities (occurring daily--an attack on a person, pet, or livestock) and seek only to perpetuate the same tired, false propaganda pumped through: 

-false experts, 
-scripted "reality" shows, 
-advocates with a vested financial interest in keeping the problem lidded from public purview (including dog-fighters, whose industry is $50 billion strong, and fight purses can be $10,000 high), 
-gross spinning and manipulation of the facts, 
-omission of fact, 
or--more often than not--outright deceit.

...and yet, people have the gall to proselytize that a media "conspiracy" and "witch hunt" is at work here.
The pit-negative "conspiracy"
If anything, the media is a tool of benefit to such a lethal cause, and fake experts exploit it to push their agenda every day.

It's disgusting to me that people respond with such furious outrage over just TALKING about the problem (how dare I!?) and are so recalcitrant on the DEATHs of innocent people occurring every 12-14 days. To those that would be dead silent about/ignore the dead, but rally and froth for merely mentioning the pit problem/sharing information--shame on you!

Such people won't even take a moment to view such a beautiful, but tragic tribute comprised mostly of images and music (a few seconds or less of text sharing data, is not a politic-laden piece--the rest is in honoring the deceased)... People are more likely than not to gloss over posts/the issue entirely, and yet will turn around and sanctimoniously declare others are "ignorant" and should "open [their] mind[s]".  This, from those who refuse to investigate anything further than their noses.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Oh those classy nutters

By: Jenny R

nutter mentality

I've seen a lot of ugly and terrifying things investigating the pit bull issue.  Things no one should have to see, nonetheless experience.  This video is an exceptionally disturbing example of how fierce, swift, and merciless the breed can be.  They rip off their victim's leg in 60 seconds, or less!  After the other dog desperately submitted to its attackers. 

In all other breeds, submission is (usually) sufficient enough to end an attack.  It makes good sense, instinct-wise.  Conflict always carries with it the threat of personal harm, and other than sparring for reproductive rights or seeking nourishment, animals typically avoid violence as much as possible.  Losing an eye/paw/nose/other useful body part, infected wounds, blood-scent attracting apex predators, etc.... all could spell death for an animal. 

Pit bulls and pit bull type dogs lack this instinct, and instead are genetically driven to continue mauling even after being beaten, stabbed, tased, and shot repeatedly.  Why anyone invites--nonetheless advocates!--such brutal destructive power into their lives and the lives of all those around them (especially tragic is the children, who are a favored target of this breed's explosive and idiopathic aggression) is mind boggling. 

These people themselves claim that "animals will be animals" and "any dog can turn" and so on and so forth... with the regurgitated nonsense that paints all animal behavior with the same broad brush.What that does is boil things down to thus--an animal in the home environment represents a potential (if not inevitable) attack.  Anticipating and espousing that "things could go wrong" requires careful consideration of what could go wrong...
considering the raw, unique, crippling, and often fatal threat a pit bull represents if it attacks, should surely mean a person would try to ameliorate that risk by selecting an animal that is not capable of inflicting such destruction.  Why risk it, no?  Instead, they rail proclamations about how their breed is the best (yet they cry discrimination and "breedism" when it suits them), safe, so on and so forth.  Contradictions ahoy!

WARNING--especially to readers with negative personal experiences/PTSD following the pit bull attack of self or loved one, sensitive stomachs, or in possession of fragile sensibilities:  this video is extremely graphic and horrifying.  The images will stick with you long after you close your browser and go about your day.  I certainly do not wish to inflict more distress on people already so badly victimized.  If viewing this is not a good idea; here is a quick textual summation:

Two pit bulls have got a-hold of another dog's side, reaching through a shared fence to maul her.  (She appears to be a yellow-lab mutt of some kind.)  She is down in the dirt, crying, head rolling back, and is trying to roll over to expose her belly in a submissive position.  She cannot roll over, however, because both pits are firmly latched onto her, anchoring her side up against the fence.  A stream of water hits the pits in the face, from a water-hose is out of frame.Predictably, it has no effect on arresting the attack.

The pit bull on (our) right rears it's head back (unseen is that it just tore out a large chunk of its victim, which exposes her ribs (seen toward the end of the video).  It machine guns a few more snaps, before latching onto her left foreleg, shattering the bone within, so severely that it can easily tug it through the fence.  It jerks its head back twice, showered with blood like the spray of shot-gun pellets, severing the leg.The other pit withdraws and tries to take it away from him.  They take turns trying to consume it. .

A desperate man runs up to the fence and the pits are there to greet him in a flash.  He hits their noses with something (rolled up newspaper? shoe? gardening tool? I can't tell) as a man off screen hoses the pits again.  The pitbulls launch at the fence, jump like crazy, and repeatedly slam their heads on it, directed at the man on the other side of the fence.The destroyed dog collapses on the ground. 

After a moment of gasping so hard that her sides distort, she rolls over, exposing her mutilated side.  She becomes weaker and more still.

The pit bulls were obviously well-fed, and possessed both tail and intact ears--indicating these are not dog-fighting specimens.  Dog fighters like to crop pits' ears and tails so that the animal will not get ensnared  on these parts , which would give the opposing dog an edge.
(Higher quality video can be seen HERE)

Nutter comments accompanying this spectacle of horror-- just as disgusting today as they were a year ago.

note: henceforth, my personal thoughts on various comments are formatted with italics and deeper indentation ~Jenny

Fukyou• a year ago
The person that put this video on here should be shot, you fucking faggot nigger....

Young Canadian Blonde• a year ago
This is the most inhumane disgusting sad display of the humans that forced these dogs into it. Im with you these awful men should be killed in the same way, Your clearly a killer yourself just using dogs instead. How upsetting for these poor animals and the evil men who made this video,
Young Canadian Blonde• a year ago
I just watched a video on Baby Briana, a 5 month old poor innocent child unable to speak for herself as she was thrown, bite, hit, molested and raped, throughout her whole life of 5 short months. You people are truly just as evil as the parents and uncle that did those awful things to that poor baby.

The video was not orchestrated, only witnessed, and the purpose of posting is to spread awareness of what danger pit bulls represent.  Additionally, getting photo/video evidence of an attack is often the only recourse left to victims/their families, because pit owners avoid responsibility and culpability at all costs, current laws enable that deviance, and any restitution for damages has to be procured through civil courts.  They have to produce evidence to satisfy burden-of-proof.

That poor innocent dog cannot help or speak for itself. I hope u ignorant,  mean fucks rot in hell where you clearly belong.I even added my email so you could direct your hate towards someone who can at least defend themselves in a way,

Fuckingblowme• a year ago
Its a fucking dog, get over it.. This shit happens all the time its fucking dog eat dog world we live in... this isnt some pussy world we live in, which the American news and media makes u believe. wake the fuck up people we are taking over countries..

jonh cathy• a year ago
why people still believing in that "pitbulls bad dogs and dangerous"?? PITBULLS ARE NOT BAD DOGS. every dogs can be dangerous. chiuhahas are more agressive than a pitbull! but a chiuaha doesn't hurt you -.-'' why do you put the blames on pitbulls? the owner is stupid and made them agressive because pitbulls get more easily dangerous. but if you teach them well and with love, not with agressivity they wont do that -.-''

Whatever jonh (a brief voice of reason)• a year ago 
so ure telling me a chihuahua can come and rip off pitbulls leg off right? or this laying dog, can come and bite ur palm off? ever heard of pitbulls jaws locking? their strength etc? or u dont feel a difference between a guy armed with a baseball bat and a shotgun? 

bananas (fitting moniker)-->Whatever• a year ago
man you are such a stupid. did you learn what i said? chihuahuas are more agressive than a pitbull! i will explain you one thing. on humans, if a man bigger than you and stronger try to beat you, and if you see dont have chances against him you run away or give up. on dog's world, a smaller dog growl and try to show the stronger dog that he is tough and to don't substimate him by his weight. and that's why chihuahuas are agressiva. they are the smallest dog in the world. now i will just copy paste a comment that i did before because i won't occupate my time anymore with ignorant people like you:
"if you dont know anything about dogs/pitbulls and don't understand the instict of a dog just shut up. How is making the very obvious deduction that chihuahua's do not posess the same bite power and strength of a pit bull the equivalent of "knowing nothing about dogs"?pitbulls are the only dog that don't have breed. they were made in laboratory. and every dogs in the wild would kill animals. they are not humans. you dont kill humans to eat but you kill cows! you look to dogs as pets but before  pets they were wild animals. if he has in front of him a fresh leg with fresh meat do you think he will refuse that? just shut up man. give a fresh leg with fresh meat of a bunny to a chiuhauha and you will see if he accept that or refuse it -.-'' do research before talk shit
"AND THIS IS TO SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT PITBULLS:why you think it's pitbulls fault? blame the owner please. it is the owner that take care of him and make him agressive. they can be very good dogs and friendly, but of course they get more easily dangerous. know what? chiuhahuas are more agressive than pitbulls but everyone think they are cute because they are small and can't hurt no one... pls dont judge the dogs. if you dont know anything about this dogs dont say that things about them. kill the owner not the dogs.
what you heard about this dogs in the news it's because that stupid niggas and thiefs, criminals whatever, buy pitbulls because they can easily make them agressive and because they are strong, but if you take care of them with love they are the best friend you could have. and another thing, that dogs can be very friendly outside of their house with another dogs, but that's their territory (the victim was dismembered in his own yard)  and that's animal instict. they are defending what belongs to them. the owner of the small dog shouldn't had let him go near the fence.

How dare that owner and pet utilize their own property to its fullest!How is a neighbor supposed to know when someone acquires pit bulls or when they specifically let them out?  it is the owner's responsibility to properly contain their animals to prevent them from harming others (and themselves).  This obviously was not the case.  It's ridiculous to demand an external party pay for the (reckless) personal decisions of others.  No one should have to significantly modify their home environment, at great expense, to accommodate the unnecessary dangers foisted on them by others.  You don't get to demand that an uninvolved stranger should pay child support for your decision to reproduce.  Same concept.

if a thief enters in your house for sure you will attack him, or not if you see he is more powerfull,stronger. and that's what happened here. the brown dog is less powerfull so they can retaliate. sorry about bad english and big text

LIVE WIRE Edinkolenovic• a year ago

You need to leash your pet in your own, fenced backyard?? (btw, dog advocates in general go against the cruelty known as "tethering"--and that's what leashing an animal in your own yard equates to)  This makes about as much sense as strapping your infant into her car seat in her playroom, or putting a straight-jacket on your toddler to bathe him.  And again, apparently fanatic eyesight is as poor as their reading comprehension, because it's very clear in this video that the victim was mutilated in his own yard. 

LeeLee• a year ago
I don't see where they ever eat the dog's leg so this who title is a lie. (the pits ripped the leg in half and snapped the pieces up right around the time the man approaches the fence) I have a question for the owner of the dog that got killed. WHY IN HELL are you letting your dog run up to strange dogs in the first place?

Possibly because it's only logical to allow your pet to roam its own environment, and walking along the border of that environment should not be a death sentence.  Also possibly because pit nutters have been extremely successful at snowing society-at-large that pit bulls are safe and "just like any other dog".  This false propaganda is devastating in it's lure to blind people from the truth; the inherent danger this breed presents. 
Additionally, a person or pet should not have to be held hostage in their own homes because of an ever-present threat beyond its borders. 

I own Pit Bulls, 3 of them. They are dog aggressive to dogs outside of their 6 dog pack.  However when they are with me on leash or off leash I can give them a "leave it" command and they won't do anything. But there has been a time where a neighbors dog (American Bully) decided it was okay to hop my fence and come after me so my dogs tore it up (even my Boston terrier helped. I don't see how that would be my fault if the neighbor did not control his dog and it came on to MY property and got attacked. The way it was acting I would have shot it anyway.  That little brown dog shoved its nose into the dogs' territory and got attacked. It is NO ONE'S fault other than the owner of the brown dog.  

Getfucked• a year ago
It's the FUCKING PEOPLE THAT MAKE THEM THAT WAY!Did you SEE that fucker?  I have a pitbull with dogs much smaller then him and he is protective of THEM.. ITs the PEOPLE that do this.Any dog can be a killer.  You naive jackass's all of you. 

john Amayaveronica38• a year ago
that could have been a little kid if the kid went to the fence! and that is his terretory, they are protecting him. if a thief enter in your house you will watch him stoling your values or beat him? before you talk about this dogs you must know them. i bet you never had a dog or if you had one it was a pinscher or a poodle -.-''

What gives you the authority to dictate to people what they should do on their own property?  What gives you the right to take away someone else's hard-earned real estate via mortal peril at its borders? 

don'tlie• a year ago
you fucking retards deserve to die, oh i'll wet them, fucking hit them you would you like it if i just went to your home and started hacking the shit out of your family? you wouldn't right? you'll try to stop me...why let the dog suffer? atleast look and help it, in some guys make me sick.also why video it you sick bastards + why have a fence that close to pitbulls if you know they are vicious, you wouldn't? would you.

so a person should... what....? move their fence line according to a neighbors choice in pet?  Forfeit a big chunk of their own personal property to construct an internal fence line when the burden of adequate containment is upon the pit bull owner's shoulders?  To fund construction that is only necessary because of the nutter's whimsy? 

bananas don'tlie• a year ago
you made me laugh xD you said "would you like it if i just went to your home and started hacking the shit out of your family"... Well... on this video the "home" you are talking about it's pitbull's home!! and the brown dog went to their "home"... soooo.... they took care of his ass .|. it's not pitbull's fault. you should blame the owner of the brown dog that shouldn't let him went near the fence. THINK BEFORE SAY SHIT ;D*
*never applicable to the author, obviously 

Todd Pompe• a year ago
So where is the dead dogs owner? And why wasn't his dog controlled from getting close to the Pits, who are contained on their own property behind a fence? Keep your dogs away from other peoples property douchebag. Tough lesson for ya, idiot.

Why was the onus on the owner of the decent dog?  Why didn't the owner of the pit bulls keep their animals away from the fence?  Away from another person's property?  This is a shared property line; both sides were sharing a fence. 

Vanylladelightdelight• 10 months ago
first off shoot those dogs shoot the assholes who allowed those dogs to do that. but most important first shot would have been to put that poor torn up dog out of his misery. when i look at people like this i wonder to myself "really thats the sperm that made it through" these people are the load that their mothers should have swallowed.

keepin' it classy I see... as always

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Why "MY pit bull is sweet" is an epic fail in dangerous dog discourse

By: Jenny R

Like the other notes, this is a work in progress, and I will be adding to it later.  Too tired to translate any formatting right now, so I'll just post as is, for now;

...but MY  dog is sweeter than honey!
...MY  dog would NEVER--!

far too many innocent people have learned--in the worst way possible--that "no history of aggression" is meaningless when it comes this breed's unpredictable, volatile savagery    One of the most frustrating aspects of engaging in discourse with p-nuts is their affinity for throwing out irrelevant personal anecdotes as universal gospel/evidence.  Time and again, the same "MY PET is blahblahnobleawesomeangelicmeekwhatever/would never whatevermorewhargarrrble" drivel is regurgitated as if it were any viable indicator of the breed's danger potential.     

However, given that it usually tails intelligent awareness advocate explanations* (replete with evidence and objective-third-party-data) of why that isn't part of the conversation (because good behavior today has been shown to proffer a fatally false sense of security when it comes to behavior of tommorow), it's clear that this diatribe serves as nothing more than a time-waster and a means of willingly blind pit-owners to feel sanctimonious and better-than-thou...
*this is made painfully clear by Jeff Borchardt's personal expose on the matter, illustrating the same kind of psychotic mental abuse (committed by p-nuts against others) that countless victims and their families endure.   

The "owner/victim=the problem" lie makes them feel "enlightened" and noble, because, under that premise, they are a "good owner", and/or are cognitively superior to others.  When collaborating with like-[empty] minded individuals, these frivalous exclamations are a transparent "insider"-circle-jerk, and when offered in the context of victim blaming and tragedy, it's sadistic and insane.

The truth bears repeating, as many times as it takes to get it to sink in to someone out there.  Unfortunately, the tide of individuals open-minded and evolved enough to consider all the facts is excruciatingly small.  Still, for even that tiny percentage, laid bare here is the painful evidence that, penultimately, no matter how self-deluded and wishful p-nuts are, it is absolute fallacy to derail about sappy-dappy personal anecdotes as if they had any real bearing on the topic.

      The wake of blood demolishing families that previously cried, "My dog has never"/my dog is--" swells as "America's Dog" defies its alleged "loyalty" to destroy it's very family/advocates, and are not exclusively "acting out" because of "bad" owners. (Lest you consider people who care for, feed, chip, vaccinate, spay/neuter, appropriately contain, rearrange their yards/homes/lives to accomodate, train in obedience/service dog classes, and love  their dogs to be "bad" owners.)   

Intertwined with this disparity between p-nut fantasy and stark reality,... is the twin falsehood that the animals have to be provoked (ergo not being culpable for its attack) to explode into violence.

what prompts a pit bull attack
because p-nut proclamation vehemently denies idiopathic aggression exists, and that "SOMETHING" must've triggered the animal - We've placed together a list of pit bull attack triggers, routine activities that launch a pit bull into a full-fledged attack. Due to selective breeding for the purposes of dogfighting1 -- pit bulls were artificially selected to attack unpredictably, to "hold on and shake,"2 and to hide warning signals before an attack -- the pit bull breed often demonstrates "hair trigger" arousal. Pit bull owners often try to blame these mundane activities on explosive pit bull aggression.3

Triggers that Prompt a Pit Bull to Attack:

  • being an animal control officer
  • being a mail carrier
  • being a gas worker
  • being a landscaper
  • being a police officer
  • being a public works em
  • ployee
  • being in a wheelchair
  • being pregnant
  • burrowing a blender
  • disciplining your dog
  • driving a vehicle
  • dropping a glass
  • falling down
  • feeding the dog
  • getting neutered
  • getting off a bus
  • getting the mail
  • getting the newspaper
  • handing someone a phone
  • hanging decorations
  • having a dog on your lap
  • having a seizure
  • having a smoke
  • hearing an argument
  • hearing thunder
  • holding a clipboard
  • holding a mailbag
  • holding a stuffed animal
  • hopping off a couch
  • jumping on a trampoline
  • knocking on a front door
  • letting your dog out
  • mowing your lawn
  • opening a car door
  • opening your front door
  • playing in your backyard
  • playing in your front yard
  • playing on a playground
  • playing on a swing set
  • reaching for your purse        
  • reading a bible
  • remodeling your home
  • running from bees
  • saving a family from a fire
  • seeing a cat run up tree
  • seeing a dog inside a house
  • seeing a horse
  • seeing a squirrel
  • run up tree
  • seeing a leashed dog
  • seeing an unleashed dog
  • sitting on a bed
  • sitting on your spouse's lap
  • showing your spouse affection
  • sitting in a stroller
  • sitting in a tire swing
  • sitting in a wagon
  • sitting on your porch
  • slipping on ice
  • smelling "baby formula"
  • standing in your backyard
  • standing in your garage
  • stepping on an ant pile
  • the act of bicycling
  • the act of driving
  • the act of gardening
  • the act of sex
  • the act of jogging
  • the act of sleeping
  • the sound of clapping
  • the sound of screaming
  • taking out the trash
  • walking on a beach
  • walking down a path
  • walking down a road
  • walking down a sidewalk
  • walking a snack sized dog
  • undergoing dialysis
  • unloading bags from a car
  • watching TV
  • waiting for a bus

1The abnormal behavior of "dogs bred for fighting" is well documented. Page 133 of Lockwood's "The Ethology and Epidemiology of Canine Aggression," is an excellent example.
2In the medical study, "Pit Bull Attack: Case Report and Literature," the doctors note the "hold and shake" bite style of the breed and liken a pit bull attack to a shark attack.
3We also ran across one person who said she saw a pit bull attack a plastic statue of a dog in a PetSmart.

Shared reader experiences and commentary expand the scope of the problem;

Anonymous Mrs.Poodle  |  8/05/2008 8:32 AM  |  Flag
There is only one reason and that is a gene that causes a defect in the brain which expresses itself in aggressive behavior and the inability to control this behavior. It's not 'how you raise them', it's not what you do or don't do, it's in their genes.Anonymous Anonymous  |  8/06/2008 5:52 AM  |  Flag

Anonymous  |  8/06/2008 6:05 AM  |  FlagAnother gardening frenzy:

Anonymous Anonymous  |  8/07/2008 10:38 AM  |  FlagThe list continues to increase for pit bull triggers. This time it is a man talking (talking not yelling) at his wife.

Blogger vintage  |  9/25/2011 3:41 AM  |  Flag
Add being a storm door. A pit bull came up out of nowhere and started chewing at my door, it was trying to get in my house. I was so scared it was going to get in, and I had my 9 month old son with me.

Anonymous Anonymous  |  6/23/2013 8:37 PM  |  Flag
My neighbor (in an apt building in nyc) has a pit bull. 7 months ago, the dog lunged at me, his mouth open. The owner pulled it back before anything happened. I told the owner to put a muzzle on the dog. He refused. I wrote to the building management. Twice. Nothing happened. In fact, the owner blamed ME and said I exaggerated the lunge, which I didn't (I'm just not the type of person who exaggerates and I love dogs, was raised with them so have nothing against them.) Tonight, I was in the garbage room on my floor, I opened the door to go to my apt and the pitbull and her owner had just come around the corner. They were about 15 feet in front of me. The dog suddenly started barking, snarling, trying to break free from his leash and come to me. She literally looked like she was nearly foaming at the mouth. The owner dragged her towards the elevator as if NOTHING HAPPENED. I am scared for my life now. What can I do since my building is doing nothing?

Blogger Sputnik2009  |  8/25/2013 9:40 AM  |  Flag
Add another trigger: quietly reading the Bible while sitting in front of your own home:

Just because a pitbull has not shown aggression to-date, does not guarantee safety from future attack, which, almost universally, springs without warning.  There is no guarantee that familiarity with the animal will predispose a person to anticipate an attack and respond pre-emptively to prevent it.  "Knowing" a pitbull offers no protection against an animal turning "dead game", even if that "knowing" spans many years of uneventful interaction.

Reporting from
Despite pro-pit bull claims that pit bulls are not unpredictable, the breed frequently attacks without provocation or warning. It is well documented by humane groups that to excel in dogfighting, pit bulls were selectively bred to conceal warning signals prior to an attack. For instance, a pit bull may not growl, bare its teeth or offer a direct stare before it strikes. Unlike all other dog breeds, pit bulls are also disrespectful of traditional signs of submission and appeasement.16

According to expert Randall Lockwood, pit bulls are also liars. In a 2004 law enforcement training video, taped when Lockwood was vice president for research and educational outreach for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), he shares the following story:    "Fighting dogs lie all the time. I experienced it first hand when I was investigating three pit bulls that killed a little boy in Georgia. When I went up to do an initial evaluation of the dog's behavior, the dog came up to the front of the fence, gave me a nice little tail wag and a "play bow" -- a little solicitation, a little greeting. As I got closer, he lunged for my face."17

If a pit bull can fool an expert such as Lockwood, how can the average citizen anticipate a pit bull's future action? In a separate example, animal behavioral expert Peter Borchelt was sued after the pit bull he was training for a client "suddenly" attacked an ex-fireman. After encountering Gabriel Febbraio on the street and assuring him that the pit bull was friendly, the dog broke free from Borchelt and attacked Febbraio in the groin.

Expert not surprised
Benjamin Hart, professor emeritus at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and an animal behaviorist, said he wasn't surprised by Iona Keanaaina's assessment of Kava."It's quite common for a pit bull to show no signs of aggression," Hart said Wednesday. "People will call it a nice dog, a sweet dog, even the neighbors - and then all of a sudden ... it attacks a human in a characteristic way of biting and hanging on until a lot of damage is done."Hart said pit bulls are responsible for about 60 percent of dog attack fatalities each year, which is "way out of proportion" compared with other breeds.
Pit bulls make up less than 5 percent of the American dog population."It's very poor policy to allow any child around a pit bull..."
...Dr. Alan Beck of Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine put it well when I interviewed  in 2005 after a “friendly” pit bull mauled an 88-year-old woman who had interacted with the dog without incident countless times.“We are not surprised when a pointer starts pointing,” he said. “Or when my dachshund starts digging. Everyone expects that. But if we start talking about a low tolerance for pain and a propensity to attack, it’s' wrong'.”

But we know the defenders will soon be in full cry. It’s not the dog’s fault, they’ll say, it is the owner. The child should never have put himself in that position. There were other factors we don’t know about....[Pitbull Apologists]  have a prepared script, they are vociferous and they are tireless. They’d love to get into a debate with you because it goes on and on and on. They send three e-mails to your one. They have self-serving statistics from advocacy web sites that they can quote for hours.But here’s the puzzler. They are also often incredibly, uncontrollably angry. All of us in the news business take on the pit bull issue from time to time and we all have stories of threats — “Someone needs to stop you,” was the most recent I got — and warnings. They scream, they insult, and they stoop to racist, offensive language.

Nephi Selu, 6
"On Monday, Nephi Selu was playing with his family's 2-year-old... [pitbull], suddenly the animal fatally bit him on the top of the head, police said.... The dog, named Kava, had shown no previous signs of aggression"Keala Keanaain... 
"The dog... didn't bark, didn't growl, wasn't aggressive at all." According to Iona Keanaaina,
"The dog was "good with kids, very obedient," she told reporters.
"We never had any problems with him at all."
note: the original reporting article presents an officer's speculation that Nephi had tried to climb aboard the dog, which has since been refuted by eyewitnesses and thorough investigation.  Though, even if he had, that would not have been a viable reason to kill him. 

It's also interesting to note that p-nuts blame parents and victims, using "you shouldn't have let your kid around a pit" as an excuse... (the nutters themselves are acknowledging a measure of danger inherent with pitbulls).  Yet, in other forums, these same people will claim pitbulls are great with children/nanny dogs/etc.. and post images of their children climbing on pitbulls, laying on pitbulls, grabbing pitbulls, and other activities involving interaction with pitbulls that they would rule to be reckless, stupid, and dangerous should another child fatality pop up.

Nicholas Faibish, 12
In San Francisco in 2005 ...Nicholas Faibish was killed by the family's two pitbulls.“My kids got along great with (the dogs),” Maureen Faibish said. “We were never seeing any violent tendencies.”

Ronnel Brown, 40
According to Brown's sister, the dog that killed her brother was also his "pride and joy."    "(Kilo) was his pride and joy. He was very gentle with him. Both the dog gentle with my brother and my brother gentle with the dog." -DeLisa Brown

Daxton Borchardt, 14 months
Before his son's death, Jeff said that he used to believe that a dog's behavior was determined by the way it was raised. He no longer believes this myth -- a falsehood widely cited by pit bull advocates and humane groups. The dogs that Susan owned with her boyfriend had no history of aggression. The couple raised the two pit bulls from puppyhood. The dogs were not abused or neglected and both were sterilized.

Jeremiah Eskew-Shahan, 1
(LAS VEGAS, NEVADA) -- In a horrific and almost inexplicable event a 1-year old Las Vegas area boy died over the weekend only hours after he was viciously attacked by the family dog -- an animal that, according to family members had never been violent in the family in the past or showed any aggression to family members.The boy, who was not identified, was celebrating his [first] birthday late Friday at his grandmother's home in suburban Henderson, Nevada...“The baby’s face was torn off,” [the father] said.

The family was stunned. The parents of the child told authorities they had owned the dog since it was a puppy and it had never before displayed any signs of aggression.They voluntarily gave the dog to Henderson Animal Control officers. It will be quarantined and observed for signs of rabies over the next 10 days. But since the animal is being declared vicious it will likely be euthanized after the observation period.Police said the dog did not have a prior history of attacks.

Beau Rutledge, 2
UNION CITY, Ga. — A family dog who had never shown aggression before attacked and killed a 2-year-old boy Wednesday in a subdivision near here about 15 miles southwest of Atlanta, police said. 

The family had the dog since a puppy, and it was eight years old.  Eight years of no aggression preceeding the first--and fatal--attack.  For the near decade that family had the dog, leading right up to the toddler's death, they COULD HAVE* been snowed and spewing such garbage like, "Well, MY pitbull is super sweet and would never hurt anyone and has never even growled at anybody while my __insertpocket-sizeddogbreedhere__ attacks EVERYONE!"
Pitbulls are "sweet".
till they aren't.
*I am by no means insinuating this particular family did any such thing, but illustrating a point to all those who think their broad-brush, fuzzy personal anecdotes are valid evidence of breed temperament/behavior.

Betty Todd, 65
The neutered family pet of four years had no prior history of aggression before it suddenly tore her throat out and mutilated her spine.

Justin Clinton
Suddenly, one day, dogs that Justin had played with growing up killed their "little buddy"; so determined to destroy him that they demolished their way through the fence to get at him.

Crystal Trenkamp and her toddler
attacked by the family pet they had for six years without incident

Jariyah Jones, 3
suffered facial disfigurement at the jaws of the family dog "Rusty"Lara

family babysitter of 10 years tried to intervene when her pits were mauling the 2yo boy in her charge.  These dogs were familiar with the child, and attacked their own owner without hesitation

2 children (San Bernadino, October 2013)
attacked by a pit so crazed about attacking that it burst through an iron fence to get them; had no prior history of aggression, according to the owner 

Sandy Murray
 Attacked by the family "service dog" he had for seven years prior with no incident.  The animal ripped his ear off in 2012, while he was having a seizure. He had seizures prior to this event, and the pitbull did not attack during those; so the animal was familiar with the situation, so seizures would not have been sufficient stimuli to startle him.  The same animal would attack him again, a year later.  It ripped his throat out and left him in a near-vegitative state.

Thomas James Carter Jr., 7 days old
The baby was dead on the bed. Sometime while Koezeno slept with her newborn, her 45-pound pit bull mix named Sidon mauled Thomas. Authorities said the infant had more than 50 puncture wounds on his tiny body.
Frishe said the bed was covered in blood. She said she and Koezeno tried to resuscitate Thomas.
"There was nothing we could do," Frishe said.She said Koezeno cradled her son, kissing him, as they waited for paramedics. Thomas was taken to Morton Plant North Bay Hospital, but nothing could be done to help him.
Frishe said Sidon is a few years old and was never aggressive before. She said Koezeno was a good mother.

note:  p-nuts were doing their damnest to place blame on the mother, speculating she wasn't telling the truth and the dog attack is a lie, "how could she sleep through something like that?" type insinuations,  or that she was on drugs and couldn't take care of the child.  However, the possibility that the dog attack didn't rouse her is actually quite high, considering;
  • people operate under this misconception that all animal attacks are quaking, noisy affairs. 
  • It takes only a second for an animal to bite, and they can instantaneously crush a throat; especially so if the animal in question is a pit bull, whose jaws excel at breaking bones and spines.
  • A traumatic bite to the chest could collapse lungs and the diaphragm, therefore destroying the ability to scream since new air necessary for speech cannot refill the lungs and vocal chords. 
  • It is also highly possible that the attack was too subtle (movement wise) to disturb the mother's slumber--
  • especially if that mother is exhausted from the recent labor and delivery taking a heavy toll on her body combined with
  • severe sleep deprivation 7 days deep--as happens with just about all newborns in the home.
  • People--not just mothers--can sleep through the tossing and turning of their bed companion, minor earthquakes, construction noise, animals wandering around the bed (such as housecats), and even falling off the bed
Nutters say the mother "condemned her child to death by leaving it alone with a pitbull", which is really ridiculous considering they can't get their facts straight (the baby was not alone)
Kayla Shoestring and son Hayden
Glenda Aguilar, the owner of the pit bull was likewise surprised. "It was such a shock. I didn't recognize it. He was not the dog I raised from 4 weeks old. It was not that dog."